Monday, May 2, 2011

Royal Wedding Tea Party

"Long live the Queen!"

The Royal Wedding Tea Party was a smashing success.  Thank you to all of the parents that helped in coordinating this fun and unique event in our classroom. 

The children had a wonderful time decorating their crowns with royal jewels.
Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Sowers, and Miss McAteer dressed up for the occasion. 
Ladies of the Royal Tea Party
Gentlemen of the Royal Tea Party
The children enjoyed sipping tea and eating scones along with other delicious treats. 
We enjoyed celebrating the Royal Wedding.  We had some wonderful parent volunteers come in and talk with us about etiquette. The children learned how to properly have their napkins and how to hold their tea cups.  We were also pleasantly surprised with a picture of someone we know with the Queen and we learned about what it was like to be in the same room with her. 

To celebrate the young couple, we looked at some pictures of Prince William and Kate before having our tea. They even got to pass around a replica of the engagement ring Prince William gave to Kate.  What a fun way to celebrate current events.  This will be something the children will always remember.  Thanks again to all that helped to make this a such special day. 

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