Monday, October 10, 2011

Fire Station Fun

Our field trip to the fire station today was tremendous.  We had a beautiful day to walk to the fire station and we learned a lot listening to the firemen.  They reminded the children to call 911 in case of an emergency and to stop, drop, and roll if their clothes catch on fire.  One of the firemen also dressed in his gear, as he talked about what the pieces did for the firemen and not to be afraid.  

After today, our students will not forget what to do in case they see a fireman during a fire.  The firemen also told children what the equipment was used for and came around with the tools to show the children what they felt like.  Students even walked through the station and got to sit up in the truck.  Today was an experience they won't forget. 

The fireman tried on his gear and talked about what
each piece was for while telling the children there
was no reason to be afraid of a fireman.

He walked around and let the children touch his gear
and talked to them about what to do if your house is
on fire and you see a fireman coming in the room.

One of the fireman brought around some of the
tools and equipment they use when fighting a fire.

The children got to climb into a fire truck, sit in the
seats, and check out what was inside. 

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