Saturday, January 14, 2012

Where Are My Animal Friends? 1st Grade Play

Our first grade students read a play this week in reading called, Where Are My Animal Friends?. They also performed this play on Friday in front of an audience. Our kindergarten students and Mrs. Smith, our principal, watched our performance. We video taped the performance as well for the children to watch themselves, which will be something they will enjoy.

Characters made their own masks at home. Mrs. Sowers and Mrs. Jacobs were thrilled to see how much detail they put into the masks. They really got into this project!

Not only did students playing the role of the characters do a nice job reading the play, but many of our students learned about drama production and what is necessary to put on a production such as this one. We had a crew of 4 students that made the backdrop scenery for the play. They did a tremendous job.

Drama is a part of our Common Core Standards and we try to introduce these standards even at the kindergarten and first grade level. By attending plays such as the ones we've been to earlier this year and putting on plays such as this, students are not only being exposed to the content, but experiencing the content. This type of learning is more meaningful for students. This will be an activity they will look back on and remember when they put on a play for the kindergarteners and Mrs. Smith.


  1. This is the first I heard of this! Looks like a lot of effort went into the production. Good job.

  2. Thank you, Mrs. Baker! The children did a reader's theatre on Friday as their project for Reading. It was a lot of fun and the children did a wonderful job. The masks and scenery really looked great. Next time we do something like this, we will have to invite you to come.
