Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Lexington Children's Theatre Comes to Clays Mill!

picture from

Our students enjoyed a special performance by the Lexington's Children's Theatre on Friday.  They came to Clays Mill to perform "Jake's Old Skirts", which is a play based on the book by  C. Anne Scott.  The children were laughing hysterically at the characters as they sang and acted out the very entertaining story.  The dog was one of their favorite characters.  In reading, we have been talking a lot about characters and setting.  Be sure to ask your child about some of the characters in the play and the setting of the story.  They would probably love to share their favorite part of the play. 

We are delighted that we were able to have the Lexington Children's Theatre come to Clays Mill and we're looking forward to them coming back later this year for another performance. 

Actors from the Lexington Children's Theatre acting out the story.

Audience members were delighted after the performance.

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