Saturday, September 10, 2011

Phonics Friday Fun!


Students in our K/1 class are learning phonics in a fun way.  Each week, we are working on a different letter for learning the letter sound, handwriting, phonics activities, and art projects.  So far, we have worked with the letters Cc, Oo, and Aa. 

We begin the week with an introduction of the letter and letter sound.  We talk about the part of the phonics chant with that letter and read a story focusing on that letter.  We list words that begin with that letter and children come up with as many as they can. 

After an introduction, children practice writing the letter using our special "house paper" where we really focus on forming our letters correctly.  Only brave letters go in the attic and the basement.  We always start our letters at the top.  We even have a song to help us remember that, just see if your child will sing it for you.  Later in the week, there is always a "Mystery Box" of fun items that start with that letter.  Children guess what might be in the mystery box and then as each item is revealed, we pass them around.  We have more handwriting practice on both the capital and lowercase letter and review the sound as we write.  

Each Friday we have a fun phonics art activity.  This Friday, we made "Artistic Aa's".  The art always starts with the letter we are working with for the week.  Check out some of our students' work.  They were very creative with their decorations.  The masterpieces were not totally dry by the end of the day, so they will be going home next week. 

Look for a fun art project to come home each week and be sure to ask your child about the letter we're working on.  This focus on one letter per week is to review and reinforce phonemic awareness skills as well as introduce letters and sounds to kindergarten students in a way they will retain the knowledge.  Our students are learning to be readers.  What an exciting adventure!

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