Friday, December 16, 2011

Community Service Project

Giving back to our community is something children learned about this week as we took a field trip to the Lexington Country Place Nursing Home. As part of our Holidays Around the World unit, we sang carols and learned about different types of holidays celebrated by people all over the world. Today, our students took those songs they learned and performed a small program for the residents of the nursing home. Then, we walked the halls caroling and delivering gifts to the residents. What a wonderful day! The smiles on the residents' faces lit up their faces and seeing our students talking with them was very touching.

We decided to take this trip with our book buddies in Mrs. Harman's 4th grade class.  This was a very special field trip.  Both classes brought in donations for the residents and we were able to put together many bags for the residents full of goodies. Thank you to all of the parents for supporting this service project and sending in items to donate. Each resident was touched by such a thoughtful gift.  More than anything, they were thrilled to see little faces of the children, both big and small, and enjoyed talking with each of them. Before our performance, we walked around to "meet and greet" the residents and say hello to them. Then, we walked around delivering the rest of our goodie bags to residents while caroling down the hallways. It was very special. This will be something the children will always remember.

Happy holidays to you and your family this holiday season!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holidays Around the World

"Passports please! Buckle your seatbelts!" These are things our kindergarten students heard while imagining themselves traveling the globe to learn about holidays and celebrations around the world.

Our kindergarten students learned a lot about our world by learning about different holidays celebrated in North America and around the world. Students made passports that were stamped each day as we visited and learned about different holidays. Students made a craft for each celebration. This unit was a lot of fun for our kindergarten students and they learned a lot about the different celebrations around the world. 

In North America a Christmas tradition is hanging stockings. 
We threaded our own stockings and hung them up by the window.

In North America Hannukah is celebrated and a candle on the Menorah is lit each
night. Students decorated a Menorah from beans, lentils, and pasta.

Ramadan is also celebrated in North America.  Lanterns are used as
decorations.  Students decorated a lantern of their own.

Kwanza is celebrated in North America.  We made Kinara headbands.

We visited Antarctica where it is very cold.  We decorated snowflake ornaments.