Friday, March 16, 2012

Lucky Little Leprechauns

To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, students wrote about what makes them feel lucky. They each responded to the prompt, "I feel lucky when. . . " Then, students made leprechauns for a display. These lucky leprechauns are displayed on a bulletin board outside our classroom. Just as they did last year, while students were in special class we had a visit from some mischievous little leprechauns that messed up our classroom. Student chairs were knocked over, turned upside down, and flipped on top of the tables. Students were surprised to find that the little leprechauns left a package of "pot of gold" candy for each of them. So, that was nice of them. The children were excited that the leprechauns visited our classroom. Look for your child's leprechaun writing to come home soon.

Students' leprechaun writing is displayed outside our classroom.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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