Saturday, January 12, 2013

Where are my Animal Friends? Reader's Theatre

Our first grade students were reading a script in their reading series this week called, Where are my Animal Friends?. They enjoyed putting together a production of a play for our kindergarten students, teachers, and a few parents. They planned and created the backdrop for the play, masks for each character, and practiced their parts this week. It was so much fun. Then, on Friday they put on the play for an audience.

our cast of characters
our narrator
our set and production crew

Drama is a part of our Common Core Standards and we try to introduce these standards even at the kindergarten and first grade level. By attending plays such as the ones we've been to earlier this year and putting on plays such as this, students are not only being exposed to the content, but experiencing the content. This type of learning is more meaningful for students. This will be an activity they will look back on and remember when they put on a play for the kindergarteners and other audience members.

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